무어만 에갈 사이드 보드 232 수납장
Moormann Egal Sideboard 232
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Moormann Egal Sideboard 232
사이즈 :
Height: 51cm
Width: 232cm
Depth: 36 cm
소재 :
FU black
sliding doors: MDF black/Not Whi
디자이너 : AXEL KUFUS, (2018)
원산지 : 독일
제조사 : Moormann
FU 소재 특성상 제작 과정에서 아래와 같은 문제가 발생할 수 있으며,
이는 교환 및 반품 사유가 될 수 없습니다.
(스크래치, 움푹 파임, 작은 옹이, 마감 처리가 일부 매끄럽지 않음,
표면 및 모서리 매끄럽지 않음 등 제품마다 해당 부분은 불규칙적일 수 있습니다.)
*해당 부분은 Moormann 브랜드 측에서 규정한 내용입니다.
About Brand & Designer
Simply produce furniture, you say? Not really our thing. We are in search of furniture creations based on a special idea.
Sometimes absurd, sometimes brilliant, sometimes a detail, sometimes a revolution. You have to search for a long time
and continue to put on the last finishing touches until everything is right. But sometimes it’s all worth it.
Because we fall in love with the result. And then we look for people who understand that. Who understand us.
Axel Kufus
After completing his secondary education and training as a carpenter, Axel Kufus initially cooperated with the sculptors Richard Mühlemeier and Ulrike Holthöfer. Alongside his own free work, he attended Holzfachschule Bad Wildungen and HdK Berlin. He focused on serial production processes for basic furniture in a more experimental prototype workshop, which was received as an example of the new simplicity in international collections. At the end of the 80s he founded Werkstudio Berlin. In 1993 he accepted a professorship at the Bauhaus University in Weimar and in 2004 at the Berlin University of the Arts UdK in the Institute of Product and Process Design. Axel Kufus is on the panel of international juries, on the artistic advisory board of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations and on the scientific advisory board of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. In his capacity as advisor for the committees, he provides council to the Bauhaus University in Weimar and the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in issues relating to Higher Education Development.
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무어만 에갈 사이드 보드 232 수납장 / Moormann Egal Sideboard 232